What Is “Pure O” OCD?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is commonly associated with visible compulsions, such as excessive handwashing or checking behaviors. However, there is a less recognized subtype known as “Pure O” OCD. But what is Pure O OCD exactly, and how does it differ from traditional OCD?

What Is Pure OCD?

Purely Obsessional OCD, often referred to as “Pure O,” is a subtype of OCD in which individuals experience intrusive, distressing thoughts (obsessions) without engaging in outward compulsions. However, the term “Pure O” can be misleading because people with this condition do perform mental rituals and avoidance behaviors, which serve as compulsions.

Common Obsessions in Pure O OCD

People with Pure O OCD experience intrusive thoughts that often revolve around themes such as:

  • Harm OCD – Fear of harming oneself or others.
  • Relationship OCD (ROCD) – Persistent doubts about relationships.
  • Sexual Orientation OCD (SO-OCD) – Unwanted doubts about one’s sexual identity.
  • Religious OCD (Scrupulosity) – Fear of committing blasphemy or sin.
  • Existential OCD – Obsessive thoughts about reality, existence, or philosophical questions.

Mental Compulsions in Pure O OCD

Even though physical compulsions may not be present, individuals with Pure O engage in mental rituals such as:

  • Reassuring themselves that their thoughts are not real.
  • Avoiding certain situations that trigger intrusive thoughts.
  • Mentally reviewing past events to seek certainty.
  • Neutralizing thoughts by replacing them with “good” thoughts.

How Is Pure O OCD Treated?

Effective treatment for Pure O OCD typically involves Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy, a specialized form of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). ERP helps individuals confront their intrusive thoughts without engaging in mental rituals. Mindfulness-based therapy and medication, such as SSRIs, can also be very beneficial in managing symptoms.

Seeking Help for OCD

Understanding Pure O OCD and its symptoms and challenges is the first step toward managing it effectively. While Pure O may not involve obvious compulsions, the internal struggle can be just as intense. Seeking professional help, such as therapy for OCD, can provide the tools needed to break free from the cycle of intrusive thoughts and mental compulsions, leading to a more fulfilling life. Consider contacting us to schedule a session with a BATT therapist today.

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